Having worked with Waitangi Treaty Grounds for a number of years supporting the marketing team with a wide range of design collateral, we were excited to be asked to develop a new brand identity for New Zealand's most important historic site and one of New Zealand’s most well-recognised visitor experience brands.
Working with Waitangi board members, staff, iwi representatives and customers, we developed an identity that integrated the existing logo while acknowledging the past and the future, the cultural and historical stories of both Māori and Pakeha, and the importance of Waitangi as a gathering place for Tangata Whenua for hundreds of years.

Through a series of workshops, we explored the voice of Waitangi.
Through facilitated workshops with staff at every level of the organisation, including the Board, we were able to build a picture of what Waitangi means to people, what it is - and also what it isn't - and design a brand story and messaging for both domestic and international markets. These workshops also helped the organisation to better understand key audiences through analysis and profiling (specific to its strategic direction) and design brand concepts to bring today’s Waitangi to life, while still honouring the past.