Northland has struggled with a GP shortage for as long as anyone can remember. Mahitahi Hauora engaged Level to support a global recruitment campaign to attract doctors from around the world.
The shortage of GPs in Northland has been an issue for many years, but in 2020 it reached a critical peak with a flux of local GPs retiring and nobody to replace them. As Northland’s primary health entity, Mahitahi Hauora exists to support the region’s primary healthcare system to ensure fair and equitable access to healthcare for all – and that means being able to see a GP when you need one.
We worked with Mahitahi Hauora to review their current recruitment process and researched the strong competition for GPs, both globally and locally, across New Zealand. We developed a strategy to help Mahitahi Hauora – and Northland – be noticed on the global recruitment stage, to begin to ease our doctor shortage, one GP at a time.
In addition to improving Mahitahi Hauora’s online presence across multiple key channels (including LinkedIn and LinkedIn Recruiter), we also helped to plan, script and shoot a series of testimonial videos with overseas GPs already working in New Zealand – because who better to promote the Northland lifestyle than other doctors already working here.

Testimonials were captured from doctors across Ruakākā, central Whangārei and Kaikohe, to capture not only the lifestyle available in Northland but also all the many benefits of practising here. Sharing their experiences from the time they started thinking about coming to New Zealand, to the transition for them and their families, and getting set up in their new lives, the GPs were all openly positive and affirming about their decision to move to Northland.
If you live in Northland, it’s easy to take our way of life for granted, like having daylight after work hours to go and enjoy the outdoors, and even having an outdoors to go and enjoy! From horse riding to boating to beaching, these GPs showed how much they were living the Kiwi dream. Their testimonies, along with a new strategy for connecting with potential candidates on LinkedIn Recruiter, YouTube and other channels, are now ensuring that those doctors thinking about travelling to New Zealand for work are now hearing about life in Northland – and what a great place it is to work as a GP.
Check out the testimonial videos below: